Everette Carpet Care 

Call: (703) 334-2572

Secrets to Keeping Your Carpet Looking Good In Fairfax VA

Have you ever noticed how some people have carpet that looks so brand new even though it may be 15 or even 20 years old? What's their secret to keeping it looking oh so good?


Well here are three helpful tips to keep your carpet 'looking good' too, in between carpet cleaning appointments also while it making it last the longest (just like the Jones’s!):


Tip #1:  Vacuum (at least the main traffic paths) as often as possible.  You actually cannot ruin the carpet by constantly vacuuming it.  The carpet manufacturers recommend DAILY vacuuming anyway. Now, you may not have the time for that, but the more often you vacuum - especially the main traffic paths - the better results you'll have and the cleaner the carpet will be!


Tip #2:  Clean your carpets BEFORE they look dirty.  By the time your carpet gets to the point where you can see the dirt, irreversible damage has already been done.  The little hair-like strands that make up the fibers of your carpet are shaped in a way to bend the light and hide the soil particles.  That's good on one hand, but bad on the other because the small particles of dirt cause abrasion and damage the fibers quickly if they are not removed on a regular basis.  So get a thorough carpet cleaning BEFORE it builds up (usually every 6-8 months on the highest traffic lanes).


Tip #3:  Wear socks, slippers, or 'house shoes'.  The main reason soil sticks to carpet and needs to be removed with professional carpet cleaning in Fairfax VA is because of oils that get onto the carpet fibers.  Build-up of these oils from our skin (including our feet) can be one of the main malefactors in making our carpet a soil 'magnet'.  Especially in the areas where we walk repetitively.  Covering our feet can help to prevent the build-up of oils and allow for more dry soil to be removed with vacuuming more easily.


Furthermore, constant professional carpet cleaning of your home in Fairfax VA will leave it smelling fresh longer, too.


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